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Welcome to the

SS Pilates Yacht Club

A community of women over 40 addressing their fitness needs
while having FUN!

Any Space Will Do... 

You can find your health and strength in your comfy clothes in your own home. 
A place where you don't have to be perfect, where you can relax in your own small space fitness studio.

Hello, I'm Cat Corchado.  Our fitness needs change as we age and life occurs.  With over 30 years in the health and wellness industry, I can help you increase your body awareness while you increase your strength in a leaner, longer, and stronger way.  
The Yacht Club is the community that I want women to feel seen, heard and have a sense of the “no judgment zone” feel to our community.  My goal is to help you feel better after a class or video than when you started and to want to come back not only for the fitness aspect but for the sisterhood that is what our midlife community is about and signifies my goal of SS Pilates and "The Yacht Club". See you soon!!
I'm Ready! Sign Me Up Now

Not Sure If You Are Ready?Ā 

Join Us for aĀ Complimentary Week of Classes!

We get it, it's not easy to jump in right away to a membership.Ā  Small Space Pilates has been created to adapt to all fitness levels and abilities and we know you will feel at home.Ā  So join us for a week and see what you think!

Yes! Sign Me Up for a Complimentary Week!